Monday, April 28, 2008

Taking it down...

We've had a set budget for a while. $50 cash for the grocery store, $80 to divide between Target (diapers, cleaning supplies...) and Costco. This is every two weeks on payday, and gets us through the couple of weeks just fine. When we added the CSA, we kind of just made the money come out of thin air, out of my income or something. POOF! We have veggies. Those veggies cost $20 a week that is not really accounted for anywhere.

In the interest of healthy, green, frugality, I have talked to Sam about slowing that spending down with a crunch to our food budget. We will curb the normal kinds of Costco spending, and add things like milk and cheese to the Costco budget instead; this will come out of the same $80. Then we crunch, smoosh, and squeeze the grocery budget. Yup, I want to reduce grocery store spending to $10 or less every two weeks. We will buy things like pasta occasionally, or ingredients for my veggie recipes, or even some orange juice for Sam. That's all...

So while I make a career move that may leave us income-less for up to 5 months, we're going to keep this ship tight! Wish me luck!

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